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Eizo EV3285 (3840 x 2160 Pixels, 32")
949,– EUR

Eizo EV3285

3840 x 2160 Pixels, 32"

Question about EV3285 - 222972


4 years ago

Why does this (great) monitor cost 1459.- at Digitec, but less than 1180 at certain competitors? I would have liked to stay loyal to you, but I think I'll have to get out of the way...


.. Customer.
The Eizo monitors are very good in themselves. However, Eizo does not have the quality completely under control. It is extremely annoying when the colour tones of the displays are different (black and brown) in a two-monitor solution. Even the Eizo people in Switzerland are not able to deliver two monitors with the same properties in such a case.


In the meantime, digitec has become expensive. Also inflexible. With two EV3285 monitors delivered, the displays each had a different colour tone when switched off (and also active). Digitec was unable to sort it out with Eizo. Now I am not being supplied on account (payment on collection in Zurich). It's not very professional. I had bought the monitors elsewhere. I had been a digitec customer since
